Официален туристически портал на Община Банско. Туристическа информация за Банско, кутурен афиш.

Bansko summer 2024 plakat

Rock climbing

We offer all fans of extreme experiences and seekers of excitements to feel the touch with the mountain and to try rock climbing. This type of sport activities, which is integral part of the life in the mountains, is organized in Peshterite location 3 km away from Bansko. Other places allowed to practice alpinism are: the north wall of Vihren peak, the peaks Kamenitsa, Banski Suhodol, Banderishki Chukar, Bashliyski Chukar, Sinanitsa, Kuklite, Zabat, Dzhengal and Yalovarnika.  The organizers provide the required training gauges, highly qualified alpinism and mountain rescue instructors, as well as well trained and secured training rocks.

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