Официален туристически портал на Община Банско. Туристическа информация за Банско, кутурен афиш.

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Cultural calendar Bansko 2025





Cultural event

January 1st

Central square “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Traditional kuker holiday

January 8-11

Banderishka meadow

Regional Balkan Biathlon Cup

January 13

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Theater production – "Desperate Housewives"

January 18-19

Banderishka meadow and 

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Snowboard World Cup starts

January 21st

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Maternity Assistance Day - "Babinden"

January 21-22

Banderishka meadow

European Snowboard Cup

February 5th

Children's library

Presentation on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the birth of Leda Mileva

February 5th

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Theater performance – “Conversations with Mom”

February 11

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Theater production – “Comedy for Tenors”

February 14

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

"Who Will Say What It Is" - a romantic-musical spectacle 

February 19

Museum complex-Bansko

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

152 years since the hanging of Vasil Levski

February 21

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Theater performance – “Remove from friends”


Community Library

A poetic evening dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Damyan Damyanov

March 1st

Central square “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Welcoming Baba Marta -citywide celebration on the square

March 3rd

Nikola Vaptsarov Square

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Celebration of 147 years since the Liberation of Bulgaria fromOttoman yoke the National Day of the Republic of Bulgaria

March 8th

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Celebration of International Women's Day 

March 8th

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Festive procession on Todorovden

March 10

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov” - Library

Theatrical production – “Extraordinary Love”

March 16-21

Tourist Information Center

ХV International Children's Beauty and Talent Contest “LITTLE MISS & MISTER GALAXY 2025”,

March 27th

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Celebrating Theater Day

April 1st

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

"Dostunber" - Humorous performance with local and community center activists

April 2

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

"Django and Mark" - a visiting theater with the participation of Ivan Urumov and Asen Blatechki

April 4-6

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

International Arts Festival "Mountain Pearls"

April 2-23 

Children's Library

Chitalishte Library

Month of Books, Reading and Arts for Children

Reading of works by Valeri Petrov on the occasion of the writer's 105th birthday

April 13

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov” - Library

Folklore performance by the amateur groups at the "Nikola Vaptsarov-1894" National Theatre

March 29- April 02 

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

International Art Camp "Morning Star"

April 17

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Easter workshops

April 17 

House-museum "Velyanova House"

Holy Thursday: "The bread is kneaded with the sun" - The folk tradition of Easter - to know, to remember, to pass on: kneading ritual breads and painting Easter eggs with natural dyes

April 20

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Festive Easter Concert 


Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Retro car parade


Museum complex - Bansko

European Night of Museums

May 6th

Independence Square


Saint George's Day celebration in


May 11th

Square “Vazrazhdane

Celebration of the Day of theHoly brothers Cyril and Methodius

May 12

Community Library

Open House on the occasion of Librarian's Day. Literary reading with middle and high school students

May 18th

Museum complex

International Museum Day

May 24th

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture and of Slavic literature Day of the national community centers

May 24th

Central square “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Official sending off of high school graduates in the city


Community Library

Open lesson dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Vazov


Independence Square

town of Dobrinishte

Second National Dance Festival “AZAT 2025”

June 1st

Central Square

"Nikola Vaptsarov"

Museum Complex

Tourist Information Center

Sunny children's smiles - events dedicated to Children's Day.

Children's Kingdom in the Museum

June 2nd

Central square “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Celebration of the Day of Botev and those who died for the freedom and independence of Bulgaria.

June 7th

Central square “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Biathlon 4 ALL

June 19th

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Celebrating 303 years from the birth of St. Paisius of Hilendar

June 22-29

National Park "Nikola Vaptsarov-1894"

Tourist Information Center

Bansko Nomad Fest

July- September

Tourist Information Center

Cultural evenings "Traditions and Art"


Central square “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Craft Fair


Children's library

Reading with Comprehension" - reading texts from books on recommended lists - from 1st to 4th grade

July – Аugust 

Independence Square


International folklore series "Dobrinish summer 2025"


Central square

"N. Vaptsarov"

Concert of amateur bands and performers at the Nikola Vaptsarov -1894 community center


Central square

"N. Vaptsarov"

Bansko Folk Fest


"N. Vaptsarov"

Central square

Days of Bulgarian Cinema – outdoor screenings



Three Mountains Hard Enduro Bansko

motorcycle race


Central square

"N. Vaptsarov"

Pirin Rock Evenings


Central square

"N. Vaptsarov"

Museum complex

Summer movie mania under the stars

July 13

Pirin National Park

"Pirin Run" - mountain running and cycling competition

July 23 

Central Square

"Nikola Vaptsarov"

Museum Complex - Bansko

Celebrating 83 years since the execution of Nikola Vaptsarov


Museum complex - Bansko

122 years since the outbreak of the Ilinden-Preobrazhensko-Krastovdensko Uprising


Community Center "Nikola Vaptsarov"

Concert of the school of music of Marin Berdarev


Central Square

"Nikola Vaptsarov"

Days of Bulgarian Music 

August 1-10

Central square

"N. Vaptsarov"

Bansko Jazz Festival


Central square

"N. Vaptsarov"

"Bansko Opera Fest"


"Nikola Vaptsarov-1894" Community Center

215 years since the Battle of Glavite (1810)

175 years since the Battle of Mozgovitsa

( 1850 )


Independence Square


VI International Dance Club Festival "Colorful Pitcher 2025"


Community library 

Celebrating the 95th anniversary of the birth of Anton Donchev


"Nikola Vaptsarov-1894" Community Center

Culinary feast "Unique Bansko"

September 6

Monument “Monument Bansko remembers the heroes"

Celebration of the 140ty anniversary of the Union of the Principality of Bulgaria with Eastern Rumelia.

September 12-15

Central Square

"Nikola Vaptsarov"

Pirin Ultra 2025 – mountain ultramarathon

September 22nd

Monument “Bansko remembers the heroes"

Celebration of the 117 years since the declaration of the independence of Bulgaria


Museum complex - Bansko

- 190 years since the construction of the Church of the Holy Trinity (1835)

- 230 years since the birth of Velyan Ognev (1795)

- 275 years since the birth of Toma Vishanov - Molera (1750)

- 245 years since the birth of Dimitar T. Molerov


- 60 years since the death of Angel Balev (1965)

October 1st

Community center “Nicola Vaptsarov”

Solemn blessing of the water and opening of the new creative season of the children's schools at the community center

October 1-5

Central Square

"Nikola Vaptsarov"

Museum Complex - Bansko

Ceremonial Hall of the "Nikola Vaptsarov-1894" Community Center

Celebrations on the occasion of the holiday of the city of Bansko October 5 – 113 years since the Liberation of Bansko from Ottoman rule;


Children's library

Read Aloud Day


Community library

Celebrating the 145th anniversary of the birth of Yordan Yovkov

1 November

Ceremonial Hall of the Nikola Vaptsarov-1894 National Park

Museum Complex - Bansko 

Nomination "Revivalist of the Year"

Celebrating the Day of the People's Awakenings

November 19-23

Community Center "Nikola Vaptsarov"

Bansko Film Fest - International Festival of mountaineering and extreme cinema

November 21st

Community Center "Nikola Vaptsarov"

Celebrating the Day of the Christian Family

November 26-30 

Community Center "Nikola Vaptsarov"

International Arts Festival "Morning Star"

December 6

Central Square

"Nikola Vaptsarov"

Turning on the Christmas lights

December 7th

Museum complex - Bansko

Celebrating the 116th anniversary of the birth of Nikola Vaptsarov.


Banderishka meadow

Central square

"N. Vaptsarov"

Opening of the 2025/2026 winter season


"Nezavisimost" Square, Dobrinishte

Festival of the Dobrinishka Kapama


"Nikola Vaptsarov" Community Center

Traditional winter holidays, Christmas celebrations and New Year's concerts

December 31

Central square

"N. Vaptsarov"

Festive concert on New Year's Eve