Community Center Nikola Vaptsarov – 1894, city of Bansko, is the biggest cultural institute on the territory of the municipality of Bansko. It is established in 1894 with the name Rural Rest. Today, the community center preserves the literature heritage, the local traditions and customs. The community center regularly hosts the creative and organisational life of a folklore dances group, sports dancing group, folklore orchestra, children singing group, men and women folklore singing groups.
The school of arts comprises piano, accordion, mandolin, folklore signing, sports and folklore dancing classes. Celebrations for commemoration of anniversaries of events and personalities are organized, as well as events for preservation and promotion of local traditions and customs, exhibitions, fairs, festivals, etc. Famous performers, bands and theaters from the country and abroad are guest performers on the stage of the community center.
The library at the community center keeps library collections, fiction, linguistics, politics, philosophy, history, geography, etc. The library keeps literature in Bulgarian, English, Russian and other languages. The reading room of the library provides access to computers and internet services free of charge.
On annual basis, the community center provides its facilities for the organization of international events, exhibitions, fairs, seminars, conferences and festivals.
Working hours: 8 -12 a.m. 1-5 p.m. Monday – Friday
2770 Bansko, 1 Nikola Vaptsarov Sq.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chairperson: Elisaveta Kamenichka
Secretary: Silvia Terzieva - Mobile: 0884512289